Even though I’m not a daily coffee drinker like Alex, it’s easy to fall in love with the vibrant coffee culture in Vietnam. Tons of cute coffee shops tucked in small alleyways, in old apartment buildings, or springing up on crumbling sidewalks. From street-side cafes where you see the plastic stools being spread out and stacked up again to the quirky indie cafes to the mega chains, each with its unique atmosphere, decor, and interpretation of a good cup of ca phe. For many locals and expats, it is an integral part of social life in Vietnam. It’s a place to chill, escape from the hustle and bustle of a chaotic city, catch up with old friends or make new ones, sit solo and people watch, or type away for the digital nomad and the fun-employed. For us, it’s a place to get out of the heat and get our Vietnamese language study on. Too many cafes in Saigon aka HCMC to ever visit them all. The fun is exploring and trying them out…