I did something amazing. I got 7 hours of sleep a night the last 6 nights. I’m on a roll! It’s been quite a feat to unlearn habits and practices that lead to poor sleep. But this post isn’t about sleep, it’s about how we’re doing in the era of COVID.

From the tragic loss of over a half million of lives in the US alone, widening inequality, and anti-Asian violence to the trauma of frontline workers, the social and emotional isolation of all generations and zoom fatigue, this pandemic is impacting all of us in different kind of ways.

For me, as a cis-man of color, I have been conditioned to be remarkably calm, conditioned to think about others before self, trained to “power through,” and not really share how I’m really doing.

But, I’m unlearning and learning everyday… Unlearning thousands of years of Chinese feudalism, US-based capitalism and hetero-patriarchy. Many things. I’m learning to be gentle on myself and centering love, care and purpose.  

So here is my intention to share (and not over share!) how I’m doing….